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Independent quality mark awarded to FHT therapists

Independent quality mark awarded to FHT therapists


THE FHT’s ACCREDITTED REGISTER MARK ~ A measure of excellence


Zensations, is a complementary healthcare therapy business in Derby and is included in the FHT’s accredited register. ‘I am very proud to be listed on the FHT’s accredited register’, said Sally. ‘It demonstrates that the FHT meets the demanding standards of the Professional Standards Authority and offers reassurance to those seeking help and support from a complementary healthcare therapist, alongside their conventional care.’

The Federation of Holistic Therapists’ voluntary register has been accredited under a scheme set up by the Department of Health and administered by an independent body, accountable to Parliament.

Patients, service users and the public have the option to choose a complementary healthcare therapist belonging to a register vetted and approved by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care.

Complementary therapists on the FHT Complementary Healthcare Therapist Register will be able to display the Accredited Register quality mark (logo), a sign that they belong to a register that meets the Professional Standards Authority’s robust standards.

Harry Cayton, Chief Executive of the Professional Standards Authority, said: ‘We are very pleased to have accredited the FHT’s register of complementary healthcare therapists. Bringing complementary healthcare therapists into a broad framework of assurance is good for patients, service users and the public and is the best way to promote quality. The programme offers enhanced consumer protection to anyone looking for health and social care services, and gives practitioners the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment.’

For more information about the Professional Standards Authority and its Accredited Registers programme, please visit

The Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) is the UK and Ireland’s largest professional association for complementary, holistic beauty and sports therapists. Founded in 1962, the FHT has been promoting the highest standards in education and therapy practice for more than 50 years, and is totally independent of any external commercial interests. The FHT is a not-for-profit organisation, run by a governing council elected by its membership, comprising both professional and lay representation. The FHT is happy to advise or comment to the media on any many matters relating to complementary, holistic beauty and sports therapy, including training standards, safe and responsible practice, and regulation.
For more information: T. 023 8062 4350 > E. > W.


Zensations' therapist is a fully qualified massage, sports and holistic therapist


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